Apiary Report August/September 2020.
I’m not sure quite how it happened, but what used to be a report which covers the previous month’s report seems to have become, half the previous month and half of the current month. That said, it is hardly surprising given the current situation.
With apiary activities drawing to a close, there will soon be nothing to report, however, there will be periodic checks during the winter as a matter of course.
Last week, we harvested what honey the colonies could reasonably afford. This amounted to 5 partial supers from 4 hives. All together it probably will amount to about 3 and a bit supers.
Over the last three visits, we have started Oxalic vaporizing on the colonies that we were not harvesting from. Now that the honey has been harvested, the remaining hives can be treated.
The treatments have been spread over 3 weeks because there is still varying amounts of capped brood in some of the hives, which, any varroa contained within, will be un-affected if treatment is not staggered.
Whilst some of the colonies have had provisional feeding, feeding really should be completed or close to it by now, unfortunately, there is a delay with our supplier, (COVID 19 no doubt). We are expecting a delivery on the 13th Sept. So, fingers crossed, we can continue feeding next week.
Sep. Continued.
The 13th did indeed prove to be lucky, and the syrup was delivered. With the support of the faithful (notice I didn’t say OLD faithful) and Tim Greenish, we have completed a vaporizing program and fed all colonies where necessary.
The nucs that were raised for the 2020 beginners have been united with the weaker colonies in the apiary to give the nuc and the weaker colony a better chance of surviving the winter.